Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the NFE PTO. The PTO works tirelessly to enhance our children's school experience. To those individuals who already coordinate and work at the events, we extend many heart-felt thanks. Each year we are asked many questions about required involvement, meeting attendance and the function of the PTO. Provided below is a list of the most commonly asked questions followed by a brief response.
Please consider joining us at our monthly meetings held the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the NFE School Library. Free child-care is provided. Everyone is capable of making an important contribution. We hope to see you soon. If, after reading the following, you have any remaining questions about the PTO's function, organization, mission or objectives please feel free to email the PTO at [email protected]
We welcome any and all suggestions and advice. This is your organization!
1. Does the PTO really need my help?
YES, YES, YES!! The PTO absolutely needs your help and your new ideas. PTO sponsored events are coordinated and executed by parent-volunteers. The more volunteers we have at events like the Book Fair, Fall Dance, Mileage Club and Family Movie Night, the easier it will be for everyone involved and the more events we can offer our children.
2. Is it important to attend monthly meetings?
It is very important that you attend the PTO monthly meetings. However, we do not expect everyone to attend every meeting. Most meetings take about 1 1/2
hours. New ideas and thoughts, which direct future PTO activities are discussed and acted upon. In addition, the NFE Principal and Assistant Principal regularly attend our meetings and provide important school updates.
3. What can I , as an individual do? I would like to help, but do not have a lot of time to commit to the PTO?
As an individual your efforts and ideas have immeasurable value to the PTO, the North Falmouth Elementary and most importantly, your child. We welcome any time you can give, whether it is a half hour at the Fitness Challenge or additional time coordinating an event. Attending monthly meetings is an easy way to help direct the PTO's activities and expenditures, without having to put in a large amount of time.
4. What doe the PTO really do? The organization seems to have a lot of fundraisers but what do they do with the money raised?
The PTO is a volunteered-based organization that provides social, educational and financial support to the entire NFE family. All funds raised through PTO events are used to better the quality of our children's educational experience. Over the past few years the PTO has:
Please consider joining us at our monthly meetings held the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the NFE School Library. Free child-care is provided. Everyone is capable of making an important contribution. We hope to see you soon. If, after reading the following, you have any remaining questions about the PTO's function, organization, mission or objectives please feel free to email the PTO at [email protected]
We welcome any and all suggestions and advice. This is your organization!
1. Does the PTO really need my help?
YES, YES, YES!! The PTO absolutely needs your help and your new ideas. PTO sponsored events are coordinated and executed by parent-volunteers. The more volunteers we have at events like the Book Fair, Fall Dance, Mileage Club and Family Movie Night, the easier it will be for everyone involved and the more events we can offer our children.
2. Is it important to attend monthly meetings?
It is very important that you attend the PTO monthly meetings. However, we do not expect everyone to attend every meeting. Most meetings take about 1 1/2
hours. New ideas and thoughts, which direct future PTO activities are discussed and acted upon. In addition, the NFE Principal and Assistant Principal regularly attend our meetings and provide important school updates.
3. What can I , as an individual do? I would like to help, but do not have a lot of time to commit to the PTO?
As an individual your efforts and ideas have immeasurable value to the PTO, the North Falmouth Elementary and most importantly, your child. We welcome any time you can give, whether it is a half hour at the Fitness Challenge or additional time coordinating an event. Attending monthly meetings is an easy way to help direct the PTO's activities and expenditures, without having to put in a large amount of time.
4. What doe the PTO really do? The organization seems to have a lot of fundraisers but what do they do with the money raised?
The PTO is a volunteered-based organization that provides social, educational and financial support to the entire NFE family. All funds raised through PTO events are used to better the quality of our children's educational experience. Over the past few years the PTO has:
- Provided our students with field trips by covering transportation and admission costs (approximately $4,500.00 annually) as well as special assemblies they would otherwise not enjoy.
- Provided yearly stipends to NFE staff to purchase classroom supplies.
- Purchased supplies and school enhancements not covered in the school budget such as the portable computer lab, art room supplies, av equipment and recess shed equipment.
- Donated books to the NFE school library through our book fairs, reading programs and books swaps.
- Hosted free events for the NFE community like the Fall Dance, Movie Night, Bingo Night and the Ice Cream Social.
- Funded capital improvement projects like the new playground surface and the rear security system.