Box Top News!!
Our box top trophy winner for October was Mrs. Castleberry’s class! Great job parents and kids. They got to have the box top trophy and monkey in their classroom for the month of November. Don’t forget both are up for grabs as soon as we count the box tops that came in during the month of November! Box Top Stats: So far this year we earned $178.10. Last year we earned $1093.10. Since the start of our box top collection at North Falmouth we have earned a total of $26, 418.12!! Thank you for collecting! Your clipping really does make a difference. Don’t forget you can ask grandparents, neighbors, or friends to collect for you too. Let’s make the 2018-2019 collection the biggest box top collection yet! Remember, each box top you clip is 10¢ the school gets. Thanks for all your hard work! -Your PTO