Thank you to our NFE families & teachers, Michelle Cusolito (author of Flying Deep), Eight Cousins Bookstore & Falmouth Library for joining our first ever Family Literacy Night, hosted by the NFE PTO! It was a huge success and your support of our PTO made it all possible. It was an evening filled with fun and interactive literacy stations with teachers like: Mrs. Cooke, Ms. Turner, Mrs. Durepo, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Montella, Mrs. Bergeron, Mrs. Muma, Mrs. Giardi, and of course Principal Adams! Be sure to check out our video below highlighting the evening as well as sharing some tips that you can easily do at home with your children!
Looking for a fun FREE event to do with your kids? Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 13th from 6-7:30 for an evening of reading fun at NFE Family Literacy Night!
This event is FREE for families and a chance for you to engage in reading activities with your child and learn some ways to help with reading at home. It will be a blast!! Special guests include representatives from Eight Cousins bookstore and Falmouth Public Library and the author and illustrator from this year’s One book selection Flying Deep. Reading activities include fun word games, reader’s theater, postcard writing, drawing with an illustrator, listening to a story by a teacher mystery reader and more... There will be a free raffle for a chance to win book prizes and gift cetificates to Eight Cousins!! Don’t miss this FREE fun-filled night!! Flyer to follow!!! Two weeks exactly until Family Literacy Night!! See the below flyer! Please share this post- we would love to get the word out! The North Falmouth Elementary school will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the library Nov 13th - 16th. Please use the following link to sign up to volunteer. Click here now: