Get your costumes ready for NFE's Fall Family Festival on Friday 10/25 from 6-8! Check out the flyer for more details:)
A huge thank you to Lawrence Lynch for their removal and haul away of North Falmouth Elementary School old soccer goals! The kids will now have a safer field to play on and the new goals will be coming very soon!
This past weekend the NFE PTO had our first Island Queen Boat Cruise fundraiser supporting students' field trips, supplies for their classrooms and enrichment. The night was a huge success thanks to The Quarterdeck, Roch. Brothers, The Pickle Jar, DJ's Wings, Casa Vallarta, The West Falmouth Market, and Papa Ginos! Thank you for contributing to our students' education and for making the night such a hit!
This Friday at NFE we will kick off the 2019-2020 year with some fun at the playground from 5-7pm! Bring the family over to NFE and enjoy friends and all the school grounds have to offer. All treat and pizza sales benefit the NFE PTO so don't forget your cash! If you are interested in helping by volunteering or contributing in any way please sign up here. Come join us for a fun night to celebrate the start of a new school year! Please join the North Falmouth PTO for a back-to-school Sunset Cruise aboard the Island Queen on Saturday, September 21st from 7-9pm! Purchase Tickets here! Enjoy tasty hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, and music. We will also have a 50/50 raffle. All proceeds go to NFE PTO. Please note, the event is ADULTS ONLY. Parking is limited at the dock, and you must arrive to board by 6:45. *Rain date- 9/26 All kids and families love to mini golf! Join the North Falmouth PTO on Thursday, May 30, 2019 at Cataumet Light for a Free Family Event! We recommend the following times for families:
K-2: 4-5:30pm 3-4: 5:30-7pm Please join the PTO in celebrating the Kentucky Derby at the Cape Club on SATURDAY, MAY 4 2019 5:00 PM — 10:30 PM!! Derby attire encouraged, as there will be a prize for the best dressed! Bring your appetite for the southern inspired menu, including delicious passed hors d'oeuvres and a stationed dinner. A cash bar will be available, including some Derby inspired cocktails! Bring your laughter for the comedy show and your betting spirit for the Kentucky Derby races! Amazing prizes will be awarded. It is sure to be a fantastic night!! All proceeds go to NFE PTO. Purchase Your Tickets here! Cape Club: 125 Falmouth Woods Road, East Falmouth, MA 02536 Join us Wednesday, April 24th from 5:30-8pm for the Annual Art Show and Ice Cream Social! This year the students have come together to create Artwork for the Art Show celebration. Each student has their own masterpiece framed and on display! You will have the option to purchase your child's framed original art for your home or office to display. It would make a great personalized gift!
The school benefits from each purchase: 1st frame: $35 Additional frames: $30 each Credit card only There will also be ice cream served while students and parents can enter to win some of the fabulous gift basket raffles and other prizes! You can also volunteer to help that day by signing up here! We look forward to seeing you at this popular annual spring event! Check out the water station at the Seagull Six Spring Classic this past weekend. The Classic donated $300 to the North Falmouth Elementary PTO for volunteering to man the 3 mile water station at the Falmouth Track club's Spring Classic.